Days With Mama / May 5, 2020

What I’ve Learned About Being a Mama During Quaratine

Have you learned something new about yourself or your needs during this time of quarantine? I sure have! I have so much love and appreciation for all those who have had to work throughout these changing times as well as those fighting to keep everyone the safest they can.

I have always been someone who probably thinks about every decision way more than I should. I second guess myself or think about decisions long after I’ve made them. For example, when buying new outfit for my husband or little one I put items in the cart and go back and forth for days before finally choosing the one that is perfect. (Then I think of all the reasons it might not be…and start over).

A huge part of my life has been making lists and accomplishing items of it throughout the days or weeks. As a teacher I always had a running list that I started the day school let out and it continued through the next spring. It was items I knew I could accomplish and more difficult tasks like creating curriculum or revamping my tiered teaching that I wanted to get done. Seeing my to-dos in list form has always made them easier in my mind. It’s just words on a paper that I can cross off instead of the entire task overwhelming me.

During this quarantine I have found myself so many times thinking about how I am spending my days. I am in no way comparing my journey through this with anyone who is fighting the fight out there; I just have a lot of reasons to come out of this changed.

The amount of lists I have created during this quarantine is over 20. I have made lists of daily to-dos, weekly and even monthly items.

Some of my lists have been scribbled in notebooks or more carefully written on a board outside my kitchen…yet I keep having this nagging feeling that this isn’t what I want to come out of quarantine thinking about. I don’t want to remember all the LISTS.

So here is my final list of what I’ve learned about being a mama during this all:

  • I’ve learned that I need to give myself grace. I do not have to get all the laundry or dishes done in one day.
  • I can let someone else make dinner and not feel like I have let anyone down.
  • I’m a really great cook/baker and I miss having an audience to give my food to so they can try and critique it.
  • I generally hate hugs, but I miss them. I miss just having a moment where someone else asks how I am doing.
  • I am a better and more fun mama when I get the chance to relax.
  • I need more me-time or time when I’m not solely focused on other people’s happiness in order to recharge.
  • I have so much to be thankful for, healthy family and friends, phones and video calls.
  • I have never loved the sunshine more than now, my favorite moments have quickly become long walks with my hubby and little man.
  • I’m thankful for every second I am able to spend with my healthy son. I cannot imagine those parents going through the worst of things and not being able to hold their children. I have the privilege to be a mama to the sweetest little one and I’m not taking anything for granted. Midnight wake-ups, I got it! Extra snuggles before nap time-count me in!
  • I have also realized that maybe doing everything yourself is maybe not the key to happiness. It might make everyone else’s life go more smoothly, yet it takes a toll.

Whenever we get to hug our family and feel safe heading into the next chapter of our lives I have this one wish for myself.


Instead of taking a picture on my phone I want to be in the moment. Instead of spending all day rushing around cooking, cleaning, and being busy I want to slow down and smile at my baby. He knows nothing of what is happening and I pray he stays healthy and happy. I want to feel like I have lived my life instead of rushing through it, worried, stressed and frustrated.

Remember Mamas-this is changing everyone’s lives, and it is important to remember that you’re going through something different than anyone else, but this is your story.


A mama sharing a little of life with a little one, recipes, workouts and small moments that make up each day.