small gathering

Delicious and Simple Eats / November 23, 2020

Simple and Delicious Ways to Feed Your Small Gathering this Year for Thanksgiving

November and December are usually the months when I start thinking of holiday plans. It is when we plan for whichever holiday we have to spend out of state with my husbands side of the family.

Before having a child it was stressful with travel and rushing around to see everyone in a few days time, but after the birth of our son it became complicated on a whole new level.

Someone is always feeling left out when we travel and it means our babe misses a holiday with half his family every time.

Last year we travelled for Christmas and this year it was supposed to be for Thanksgiving. On one hand we are sad we miss a holiday with his family but on the other hand we are just doing our best to keep everyone safe.

So I wanted to share some tips and tricks I’ll be using this year to help prepare Thanksgiving dinner for a small gathering. If everyone would have come for our normal dinner we would have over 15 including children.

So this year we are scaling things back! Here are my top five tips for you!

  1. Figure out how many people you are gathering with and decide how much food they will eat or how many leftovers will be used. So instead of making a huge amount of food or whatever your “normal” was, if people in your group do not really enjoy leftovers, why spend all the extra time making them?
  2. Base what you are serving around what you like and enjoy! If you always make a dish or two that no one eats, or that you make simply because you feel like you HAVE to, this is the year to break out of that mold! You get to decide! If everyone likes stuffing and squash, but no one likes rolls or cranberry etc.; instead of forcing the making of them just skip it!
  3. Determine what will bring you JOY! Do you love cooking and baking? Then, by all means go for it! Yet, if you would prefer a frozen pizza or wings or a salad just do what you need to make your life happy. So many times we get wrapped up in the holidays and feel like we have to be or do or want because everyone else seems like they do, guess what? You can just do what you want and you do not have to apologize.
  4. Stay safe. Whatever that may mean for you and your loved ones, choose the option that makes you happy and keeps you safe! This year has been different than most, yet brought so many people closer together because they could not be together in person. Have a happy day!