What to Wear: A Top Ten List for New Mamas
Let’s face it. Our bodies go through amazing changes during pregnancy and immediately after. We start off at a weight, before finding ourselves pregnant and then over time we have a variety of clothing needs.
Below you will find a list of everything I have come to love since becoming a new mama. I have traded in my work attire, for clothing that is both flexible and functional.
Check out the links below for some of my favorites!
Top Ten:
- If you are going to be breastfeeding, invest in some quality nursing bras. I bought six after delivering my baby, and have been so thankful! It gives me enough, that even when I can’t get laundry done everyday I still have something to wear. My favorites are from Amazon, they are both affordable and comfortable.
- Leggings or comfy pants are a must! Those first few weeks after delivery, I was incredibly sore and did not want to put on any jeans right away. I still love them now, as they are easy to wear while playing on the floor with my little man, or running around doing errands.
- Nursing sweatshirts; light or heavy depending on the season. These are great to wear when you have company over, you need a quick outer layer or you are looking for something that is comfortable and easy to nurse the baby with.
- Jeans-I bought a size up from what I was pre-pregnancy right before I delivered. They were a little stretchy and I had a goal of being able to fit into them at some point, it turned out being sooner than I thought, but I was thankful I had a pair that made me feel good and did not rush me into losing a ton of weight.
- Sweaters with open fronts are another favorite of mine. I love the chunky sweaters from Target. I have used them for so many reasons, from pregnancy to birth, to the last few months. I love them as they are easy to throw on and function for many other helpful purposes as well. I have used them as a blanket, a nursing cover, a towel and even a pillow on a long car ride.
- Easy slip-on shoes! I love boots with no zippers, flats and sandals. Anything that makes it easier getting out the door with the baby easier.
- Nursing tank tops. I love sleeping in a nursing tank, as it makes nighttime feedings so much easier to manage.
- High rise leggings are another favorite of mine. I have been doing my best to get in a cardio workout or run nearly everyday since the doctor cleared me a few months ago. High rise leggings are amazing and make squats, jumps and runs so much easier as I do not feel like I have to continually pull my pants up!
- Supportive running shoes have become a go-to of mine. My pregnancy was spent standing, walking, hiking and running. Due to that I have felt a difference in my knees. I used to only choose shoes based on brand and the design I liked (I knew a few brands that were supportive so I just picked a pair I liked the look of). Now, I choose first based on support and comfort, letting design take a backseat. It has been so worth it!
- Supportive sports bras are my last must-have for new mamas. If you are nursing it is so nice being able to wear something that keeps you supported and comfortable while working out.
How Sleep Training Has Changed Our Marriage
My husband and I decided to start sleep training our baby when he was about three months old. We made this decision because he was going to bed around 10:30. He was sleeping in until 9:30 a.m. so as a new mama, that was a plus for me. The downside was that we had to stay up until 10:30 and were never getting time together as a couple.
I did a lot of research on different ways to sleep train, and talked to quite a few parents to see what they did in order to figure out the best route to allow our baby to sleep the best he could.
The first few nights that we decided to put him to bed earlier, we did not make any progress. He just cried, fussed and generally needed to be held until 10:30 like normal.
Throughout the first week we were able to make some progress by slowly getting him ready for bed around 10, hoping he would fall asleep soon after. I had been still nursing before sleep at this point, which I began to cut out. I decided that if he was able to differentiate sleep from eating, then sleeping we would be able to make progress faster.
Throughout the second week, I was feeding him on his normal schedule, while trying to not end the day on the feeding minutes before bedtime. We were able to start getting him ready for bed still around 10, and he was falling asleep close to that same time.
By the time the third week rolled around we implemented a new bedtime routine that made everything about bedtime even easier for us. We fed our little one before bed, then put on his jammies and read him a story. It took that entire week of following through with that routine as well as consistently doing the same steps whether it was mine or my husbands turn to put him to bed. We were finally able to get him to bed by 9:20-9:40.
During the fourth week, we continued to follow the same routines, attempt to put him to bed earlier and we also became consistent on what we would do if he was fussy or woke up in bed. At first, it was hard to not run to his crib any time he moved, or made a sound. Then, slowly we learned that we needed to allow him time to figure things out on his own. We gave him a minute or two to start when he was fussy before rushing to him, allowing him time to self-soothe. This gave us the chance to notice that he was able to get himself back to sleep if he woke up. It took time and patience to work up to letting him work out falling back to sleep on his own, but again, it has been worth it!
The next few weeks sort of blended together and here we are about eight weeks into the sleep training and our baby goes to bed consistently between 8 and 8:30. We still follow the same routine, no matter what is happening in our day, who is visiting or where we are. The routine has helped our baby rely on our cues to know when it is time for bed.
We have been given a treat of time together throughout all of this. I cannot tell you how many nights we talked about how we wished he went to bed just a little bit earlier. When we first started to sleep train our baby, those first few nights when he went to bed before 10 we were so excited! It gave us a half an hour of time together before we headed up to bed.
In the beginning we used that time to catch up on cleaning or dishes, but slowly we have learned to savor those moments. We have his monitor nearby, and we are constantly checking on him, yet we can have conversations with each other and enjoy each others company. We have had game night dates where we play board games on the couch, or movie nights (those generally take a couple of nights to finish!), or nights where we watch a favorite sporting event together.
There are not enough words to adequately convey how much better our marriage has become, since we now have time to just be a couple again. This is not all to say that we do not still have nights were our babe doesn’t want to sleep or nights where he is fussy and we have to spend a little more time putting him to bed, yet it has all been worth it. There are still nights when we have to go to him and rub his back or even pick him up to soothe him back to sleep. Those nights have become fewer and farther in between and in a way I am sure one day we will miss his snuggling into us and falling back to sleep, but for now we are ever so grateful that we took the steps to allow our marriage to become important again.
I would 10/10 recommend sleep training to any new parent, but I would also say to wait until you are ready and do what feels right to you. We could not get on board with letting him cry it out when he was so young, so we slowly worked our way into becoming comfortable with him fussing a little bit every now and again. We found our new normal and created our routine, that does not mean it will work for everyone, just that it has opened up a world of date nights and rekindling conversations with my husband…something that two months into having our baby here I needed more than ever.
Adding a Shaping Helmet into the mix of Mamahood

We found out about a month ago that our little man might need a shaping helmet. There was no way that we could have ever imagined we would be the parents who needed a helmet for our child.
After trying repositioning for months, and tummy time as much as we could, the doctor told us that getting him a helmet was the best choice.
We knew the facts:
- He didn’t need the helmet for developmental reasons
- He didn’t need the helmet because we were not good parents
- He needed the helmet because he has been such a fantastic sleeper since he was a month old
- He would have a lovely little shaped head after wearing the helmet
- It wouldn’t bother him as much as it would bother us
Even after knowing the facts, it was difficult to mentally prepare ourselves for something that so many people stare at. We knew we were making the best decision for our little man, even the doctor reassured us that we wouldn’t regret getting him this helmet.
We are currently in the first week of him wearing the helmet. He has been a little rockstar, not caring really at all. I think it’s been the most difficult when it comes to nursing him. Usually the moments he snuggles are during feedings and instead of his warm little head, I have this plastic helmet digging into my arm. I know without a doubt that we made the right decision and that in a few months when he gets the helmet off for good we will be so happy we went through this.
This weekend we on our first few outings-to Sams Club and to church. I can’t tell you the amount of people who STARED. We had many people question why he might need a helmet, asking “what’s wrong?”…nothing! I wanted to print a T-shirt that says “our baby has been a fantastic sleeper since birth, we did nothing wrong and this helmet is only to give him a great shaped head!”.
My one suggestion for everyone out there who comes across a mama or daddy and baby with a helmet is to just smile, or say the baby looks sweet. As I am now in the shoes of the parent with a helmet on their child I have realized that what people say doesn’t matter on one and on the other it matters so much. Hearing people talk about your child negatively impacts you as a parent, impacts your day and your mood, yet hearing positive comments and encouragement-well that just makes a world of difference.
To all the people raising a little one with a helmet I encourage you to let your network of people know that you need support through this time. If I’ve learned anything it’s that the baby doesn’t care what they look like at all, but the parents well they notice the stares and comments under breath that are passed around.
I am thankful in all this to have a support system. Go find yours!
Making Homemade Baby Food; When Everyone Has an Opinion

As a mom I’m sure you’ve been listening to people’s opinions of you and your parenting now for awhile. One of the the BIGGEST things I have heard is about feeding my child.
I’ve gotten comments from the get go, and let me tell you people judging my ability to feed my little one, or to know when he is hungry has been a challenge.
I’ve been trying to ignore all the comments, yet sometimes it has become too much! I just want to shout it out that, I know when my baby needs to eat, and also he will let me know!
Since my little one has grown so fast he has hit all milestones a little earlier than some other babies his age, and he got to start solids a little while ago.
He loves solids. He loves eating and the idea that he is sitting in his high chair, it’s like being a proud little baby. Of course he can’t tell me that, but hey-we all imagine what they might be thinking when they get that huge gummy grin on their faces, right?
I decided after spending $1.00 per jar and even more on some others that I would make my own baby food. My first choice was peas. I would come to regret that! I bought frozen peas and after properly thawing them and putting them in blender I realized no amount of blending would make them smooth enough for me to feel comfortable feeding them to my brand new eater just yet.
Then I decided to try carrots. That was a breeze! Using my Instant Pot I was able to steam the carrots and purée them in the blender in a short chunk of time.
The carrots were a breeze to make, easy to freeze and super simple to heat up and get ready for baby quickly.
Next, I’ll be trying sweet potatoes and squash and who knows how that will go! I love taking a chance on something new and just going for it.
Bringing the story full circle, some people still comment that I’m breastfeeding AND giving solids. The judging and comments never stop, but as a mama you need to know that there is support for you! Find those people who you can ask anything to, those who wait to give you input until you ask.
I might not be a baby food expert yet, but I’m doing everything I can to make this venture into Mamahood fun, exciting and worth it!
A Basket a Day, gives more time for Play!

Baskets, baskets, baskets!
The “nesting” phase of life doesn’t end when the baby comes home from the hospital. I have changed and rearranged everything in our house multiple times, trying to find that “perfect” set-up for us.
As it turns out there is no such thing as perfect! Here is a quick little piece of advice using baskets to help out with daily diaper changes!
I have three baskets I use daily. One in the family room consists of diapers, wipes, pajamas for bed and diaper cream. I have one basket in the living room with diapers and wipes and a last basket in the baby’s room.
The last basket is my favorite because it has a light on it for late night diaper changes, and compartments for both diapers, wipes and an extra set of jammies.
I restock the baskets at the beginning of each week and do mini refills throughout the week if need be. Here is a sample of what goes in the basket pictured!
- 10 day diapers
- 10 nighttime diapers
- 5 pairs of jammies and onesies to go underneath
- diaper cream
- 3 packs wipes
I generally don’t need to restock much other than diapers or maybe jammies that often, but seriously a life saver!