Guest Writers

Guest Writers / February 1, 2021

Why Stay-at-Home Parents Are Heroes

I’m trying to approach this subject as delicately and ostentatious as humanly possible, but my true feelings are conveyed in the title of this blog post: 

Stay-at-home parents rock! This doesn’t mean that if you’re a working parent, you’re also not a superhero (which you are and then some!). But I’m writing from my own experience and newly gained perspective on this matter. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in August 2019, and was fortunate enough to make the choice of staying at home with her, without having any financial needs or outside pressures to go back to work. I was a full-time nanny before I became a mom, and thought to have a good idea of what motherhood would be like, but the difference now was: I couldn’t just leave to go home at 5pm, and have “free-time”. I suddenly was needed 24/7 by this cute tiny creature I called my daughter. Initially it was supposed to be temporary, and I had every intention to go back to work after 6 months, but I decided against that, due to the overwhelming needs of our newborn and a fear of leaving her in a strange new environment that I couldn’t control. 

I realize that I’m one of the lucky ones to even have that choice – most moms HAVE to go back to work to provide for their children (hello, paid maternity leave!). I did it with gratitude and utter commitment to being with my child day and night, but I had no idea how much work it would ultimately entail! I was naïve to think of it as a “break”. 

Stay-at-home-parents do everything, in my opinion: We rise early, after sometimes sleepless nights, we cook meals for baby and ourselves, we clean, we do laundry, we feed our babies, bathe our babies, play with them, make trips to the grocery store, arrange doctor’s appointments…. You name it! A lot of our days are filled with logistical work around a busy schedule. We’re the first ones to notice when milk is running low, and are troopers at making detailed grocery lists to avoid unnecessary trips. We make sure our babies always have a snack on hand and a water bottle filled. We pay attention to everything! And this is with the help of a working partner, keep in mind. 

We never stop worrying or thinking about our next task. We check the weather to make sure our babies are dressed appropriately, and we make sure that our babies’ needs are fully taken care of with the utmost love and affection.

As much as I love being a stay-at-home mom, some days are very draining and after a long day of playing peek-a-boo, all I sometimes crave is an adult conversation and a glass of wine. Does that sound familiar? I’m certain that all stay-at-home parents feel that way to a certain extent. We are doing our best at the end of the day, but are never truly able to catch a break. 

It’s also important to recognize our role as an educator, which we are. We are responsible for teaching our kids basic things, like their colors, shapes, and ABC’s, and we have to teach them right from wrong, ever more important during these current times. We have to be creative, imaginative, and upbeat to teach and make it as much fun as possible for the little ones. 

Now, I always wonder: What is the true value of a stay-at-home parent, if we could put a number on it? We love our children so much and the rewards in kisses and hugs are over the moon, but if we added up all the hours we worked and invested into our kids, and would actually receive a salary for it, we would earn as much as Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon!

**This post was written by a guest writer: Shirley Roberts

Check out her Instagram at shirley_travels !!
